TECHKO, spol. s r.o.


ID number: 44017235
VAT ID: CZ44017235

ID of the data box: dcd6ip5

The company is registered in the commercial register maintained by the Regional Court in Brno, section C, insert 3613.


Company headquarters in BOŘITOV

Průmyslová 368
679 21 Bořitov

Telefon: +420 516 437 200
+420 516 437 025
Fax: 516 437 025


GPS: 49°25'8.969"N, 16°34'35.138"E


Business premises  BRNO

Plynárenská 499/1
602 00 Brno-střed
(site innogy, GasNet, s.r.o, GasNet Služby, s.r.o.)

Telefon: +420 725 449 090
Fax: 545 215 177


GPS: 49°11'50.658"N, 16°37'35.374"E


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